Robert Brashears, 16451712 (aged 67 years)

Birth 1645 25 24
MarriageAlice SpriggsView this family

Death of a fatherBenois (Bennett) Brassieur
April 17, 1663 (aged 18 years)
Death of a motherMarie (Mary) Richford
1663 (aged 18 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherRobert Brashere
1665 (aged 20 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherFlorence Elizabeth Fowke
1665 (aged 20 years)
Birth of a sonSamuel Brashears Sr
1673 (aged 28 years)
Birth of a grandsonRobert Cager Brashears
1703 (aged 58 years)
Death May 17, 1712 (aged 67 years)
Family with parents
Birth: 1620 22 28Rennes, France
Death: April 17, 1663Calvert Co, MD
Birth: 1621 26Nantes, Loire Atlantique, France
Death: 1663Calver Co, MD
Marriage Marriage1642Calvert Co, MD
4 years
Birth: 1645 25 24Calvert Co, Maryland
Death: May 17, 1712Prince George's County, MD
Family with Alice Spriggs
Birth: 1645 25 24Calvert Co, Maryland
Death: May 17, 1712Prince George's County, MD
Marriage Marriage
Birth: 1673 28 26Prince George's County, Maryland
Death: January 6, 1740Prince George's County, Maryland

Note: Robert did leave a will. It was prety brief: "In the name ofGod, Amen. I, Robert Brashier, of Prince Georges County, beingsick ofbody...And as for my temporal estate,...I give unto my son,RobertBrasier, one of my two mares vizt, the youngest of the two. Andthe restand residue of estate real and personal goods and chattellswhatsoever,I do give and bequeath unto my loveing, dutifull son, Saml.Brashier, and his heires forever, whom I hereby ordin full andsole executor of this my last wll and testament. ...this fourthday of August, 1710." (MdHR, Calvert Co Wills, Book 1, pp187-189) He died nearly a pauper.