Holton Joel Wedgeworth, 1834

Holton Joel /Wedgeworth/
Given names
Holton Joel
Birth March 1834
MarriageMinerva View this family
1864 (aged 29 years)

Birth of a sonSeaborn Britton Wedgeworth
January 13, 1873 (aged 38 years)

Birth of a grandsonNed Wedgeworth
about 1902 (aged 67 years)
Birth of a grandsonDoss Wedgeworth
February 18, 1903 (aged 68 years)
Birth of a grandsonDuke Wedgeworth
about 1906 (aged 71 years)
Birth of a grandsonSeaborn Wedgeworth Jr
about 1908 (aged 73 years)
Birth of a granddaughterVelma Wedgeworth
about 1911 (aged 76 years)
Birth of a granddaughterMyrtle Wedgeworth
about 1918 (aged 83 years)
Death of a sonSeaborn Britton Wedgeworth
1920 (aged 85 years)